At Saltwater Consulting RVA, we offer a range of services to support land trusts and conservation organizations. Our expertise spans various aspects of environmental conservation and management.
Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization.
Whether you need short-term support for a specific project or ongoing assistance with your conservation efforts, Saltwater Consulting RVA is here to help.
Land Conservation
Strategic planning for land acquisition and protection
Negotiation and facilitation of conservation easements
Facilitation of public-private conservation initiatives
Community engagement and outreach programs for land conservation efforts
Mapping and Baseline Documentation
Creation of comprehensive baseline documentation reports
GIS mapping and analysis
Environmental assessments and monitoring
Collaboration with academic institutions and local organizations for data collection and analysis
Eco-Asset Management
Oyster reef restoration planning and implementation
Wetland restoration projects
Carbon Sequestration and Credits
Ecosystem services valuation
Development of cooperative partnerships between agencies and organizations for ecosystem management
Research & Grant Writing
Design and management of scientific research projects
Grant identification, writing, and administration
Collaboration with academic institutions on environmental studies
Fostering partnerships between research institutions, funding bodies, and conservation organizations
Strategic Planning
Development of organizational strategic plans
Facilitation of multi-stakeholder planning processes
Project management and implementation support
Building coalitions and partnerships to achieve strategic goals

We're always excited to form new partnerships and take on new challenges.
If you're interested in working with Saltwater Consulting RVA, please contact us to discuss how we can support your conservation efforts.